Josh Beazer, Vice President - Civil
Vice president - civil
Joshua D Beazer
With an engineering degree from USU and a background in construction and engineering Josh has built a solid career. His experience working in California, Alaska and his years with the company add valuable insight and expertise all of which played an integral role in forming what is now Iron Rock Engineering.
Over the years that Josh has worked as an engineer, and now as one of the three owners of Iron Rock, he has taken an active part in helping people who come in with an idea or a concept and bring it to fruition. Josh will walk clients through the process no matter how small or large the project. His greatest satisfaction is helping other’s dreams become realities.
Josh says, “Kanab is one of the greatest places on earth. People come from thousands of miles to visit this place we call home. What an honor it is to be an engineer in this wonderful town and be able to serve the people here as it continues to grow and be seen by the world.”
B.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering (Structural & Geotechnical)
Civil engineering
Structural engineering,
Mechanical & plumbing design,
Architectural design.
Code Guru